Just a luvly way to re-all stuff
though i'm not too fond coz it wasn't go along with my plan...
Well.. In way of what?!
Let me give ya all of this day's stories..
It's a bit lazy i am to start over but this is a very bright new way so..
06:00 i do text all my fellas to in which surprising our "tante mesum" we call her hahaha..in english "the pornographic people" :D
Well firstly all of them were one word that is "yes" but, it was totally change while i have had take a bath , my friend change the way that it wasn't my idea.
Well not to mention it's abit differ the way i do suggest... it's good plan anyway...
Then, when i walk to campz, my wantedly friends are very disturbing coz she herself were not came at a pricesely time which we already had pointed...so there was i had my very own unplanned, arriving the doctoral public court at 11:30..while in that event... i do very surprised, shocked while the judges show their 'horn' (hey i thought it would be very great n full of fun,,, but a slip anger and a slip threat there), in my opinion - i do want to be one of the higher education level "doctor" but fortunately my bad!!! My intention were a lil blocked coz the all quwstions of the judges... Huuu,..
after that, there was i,, continue with the meal outside the room where the public doctoral court take place... I eat "tim solo", "sate", "fruit salad (a bit fatty salad i guess it has cheese while mayonese it self fat >.<) After that, we (include the wanted person meet n go to class where we make our celebration of birthday party), she was a lil bit shocked,,, thanx God she is happy. After all the euphoria of all b'day party, i proceed with my schedule to learn driving car... Badly the timing so bad, so it was cancelled.. But the good time not least, my friend inviting me to eat the yogya style in dinner they call it "angkringan" though the meal itself the daily menu that we've seen.. Like "nasi goreng" oh dear... So socialize, so calming (but the weather was cold coz it's 7-9 night life),, the we proceed to sunday's habit day of one media group company, the "jazz mben senen"... I do admit this is my first jazz show attendance,, so there was i feel calm.. I'll show the opening act by the video later on... Well that's it for now i'll stop my autism n socialize in this jazzy night :D

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