Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Hectic june AARRRGGHHH!!

Wanna die
Can't stand still these way
What a messy drown of my brain

my netbook were damaged by somekind of stupidity act of mine.... How's that sound huh!?? (blaming myself) i do know that netbook can't be compromised for the graphical way....but i jst dont get my own brain to make it stay still the way netbook it should be.
The damaged itself called BSOD (Blue Screen of Death), most of this act can crash the registry of computer... And the worst of it was the attack of hardware......
I think that's the very start, the most worst of all is my very very very precious data wasn't able to be saved... Coz... When i want to save it this BSOD came up once in a 5 minute.... Aiiihhhssss.....
How will i tell my father n mother farmore the donatour of this netbook is my elder brother... How..how..how... While in the other hand... I have to continue with all the dizzy, hectic june activity...

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Hectic June ??

OOHH GOSH!!! wondering why do i have free time on may.
This is june baby!!! a hetic one... june where we as a student of mapro ugm doing somekind of fundrising..well... it took as a treasurer on this event. but in a smaller team, i become PIC on poster... well, i think it's double up job.. as a treasurer u must strict to the rules of money administration while the other position i must freely art's mindset...what a job, though gave any peny.. hahahaha.
while the two above is my one role, i do have my own student's role...well this is the last month that i must prepare everything on College practice. iyeeeeeii i have cengkareng as my college practice, we call it as a "PKP" (Praktik Kerja/kuliah Psikologi). i must adapt in another town of jawa, adapting more, searching more the best price of kost (boarding house or apartment) just like that, converting habbit to a new daily schedule.....oohhh gossshhhhh plus have extra alert time to finishing my own report in just 2 month only by 3 month 2 weeks timing. oooooohhh what a life to survive...
while my cognitive must retrain from those thing, i must preparing for the upcoming final test, well just like i have it today (14 june)....AAAAAAA.wnaaa screeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmm shouuuuuttt louuudddlyyy WHAAAAAT A ALIIIFEEEEE TO SURVIVE... MUST DOING THESE RE-SCHEDULE, RE-EALUATE IN SUCH A PERIOD TIME....Oh God Help me to give the best to U.